19+ Telltale Signs Of A Serial Cheater

Signs Of A Serial Cheater
In This Article

Identify those who cheat and always stay away from them.

While experiencing deception can be emotionally distressing, it is crucial to empower yourself by carefully evaluating the circumstances before deciding on a course of action. Consider whether the deception was accidental, a one-off event, indicative of a recurring pattern, or if you are faced with a habitual liar.

When you commit to a monogamous relationship, you’re placing trust in your partner and pledging loyalty. If your partner’s deceit or infidelity shatters this trust, it can deeply affect your self-worth and confidence. This may leave you torn between forgiving them and continuing the relationship or walking away.

You don’t have to wait for your partner to cheat again to determine if they’re a serial cheater. This post, ‘Telltale signs of a serial cheater,’ equips you with the knowledge to recognize the characteristics of a serial cheater, empowering you to take control of your relationship.

Who Can Be Called A Serial Cheater?

Serial cheaters are individuals who engage in multiple acts of cheating within an exclusive or monogamous relationship. This behavior is consistent and occurs whenever they are in a committed partnership. Infidelity can manifest in either physical or emotional forms. These serial cheaters do not seek their partners’ permission and conceal their unethical actions from them. In contrast to one-time cheaters, serial cheaters are habitual offenders who cheat to fulfill their desires. Changing their behavior proves difficult as they struggle to understand why their actions are wrong.

Serial cheaters may engage in their behavior for a variety of reasons.

  • They could potentially be narcissists or sociopaths who believe they are superior to others and disregard the emotions of those around them.
  • They might have witnessed frequent disloyalty from loved ones, strengthening their conviction that infidelity is permissible.
  • Some individuals intentionally sabotage their relationships because they feel unworthy of love due to past childhood trauma or abuse.
  • They could have a sexual addiction, leading them to engage in infidelity despite knowing the negative impact it may have on their relationships.

Signs Of A Serial Cheater

These indicators can help you identify if you are in a relationship with someone who is likely to hurt you repeatedly.

1. A Consummate Liar

These deceivers frequently find themselves in difficult situations. They excel at deceiving to avoid these situations. If you are in a relationship with someone who cheats often, they will likely be an expert liar. Be cautious of the tangled lies they create. Your significant other might lie about where they were, the messages on their phone, and even their history. When you begin to inquire, they will dodge you or fabricate more lies.

2. conceals things from you

Your partner must be open, trustworthy, and truthful in a romantic relationship. On the contrary, serial cheaters thrive on deception and deceit. They are cunning manipulators and charmers who go to great lengths to conceal their infidelities and keep you in the dark. Their thoughts and actions are often a mystery to you as they are skilled at covering their tracks effectively. When confronted with inquiries, they either dodge them or respond defensively, making it challenging to uncover the whole truth from them.

3. Possessive about their phone

People who cheat in relationships are very protective of their phones. They engage in secret relationships and communicate discreetly through calls and messages. Checking the phone of a serial cheater will expose their cheating ways. Therefore, if you are in a relationship with someone who cheats regularly, you won’t be able to see their phone. They may constantly use their phones late at night or answer calls secretively. While everyone values their privacy, if a person becomes anxious whenever you try to touch their phone, they are likely to be a cheater.

4. Hesitant to make a commitment

Does your partner avoid discussing commitment and continuously delay making things official? These behaviors could suggest that you are in a relationship with a serial cheater. Serial cheaters typically have difficulty with commitment and are known for dating multiple individuals at once. They value their independence and see commitment as a form of restriction.

5. They never experience guilt

Serial cheaters are individuals with deceitful and manipulative tendencies who lack empathy and do not experience remorse for their actions. They are capable of hurting multiple individuals without experiencing any sense of guilt. Even when confronted with evidence of their wrongdoings, they refuse to take responsibility and instead shift blame onto others. Sometimes, they may offer a shallow and insincere apology to appease others. Individuals like these often find it challenging to comprehend or connect with the feelings of others, which hinders their ability to empathize or demonstrate compassion. Ultimately, their inability to truly understand the impact of their actions on others allows them to continue their harmful behavior with little regard for the consequences.

6. They exhibit self-centered behavior and have a sense of superiority

People who cheat regularly tend to be very focused on themselves. They have a big ego and think they are superior to others. Due to this feeling of superiority, they feel entitled to cheat. They use deception to attract attention and fulfill their need for praise. If your significant other shows signs of being self-absorbed and unethical, they may be a serial cheater.

7. They possess charisma and have an outgoing personality

Serial cheaters have a talent for impersonation and are skilled at charming individuals. They are adept at captivating people and gaining their confidence, which is useful when seeking out their victims. These individuals are deceitful, clever, and sophisticated, knowing how to deceive others to conceal their real identities. If your significant other consistently avoids revealing any vulnerabilities or discussing their past, be aware – you may be the next victim of a serial cheater.

8. They have experienced several brief relationships

Serial cheaters are unpredictable and unwilling to commit to a single person. They engage in relationships but tend to end them when they become uninterested or if they are caught. They are not interested in long-term commitments. Their dating history consists of a string of brief relationships. When questioned about their past, they provide evasive responses.

9. They never fulfill their commitments

Individuals who cheat consistently tend to make grand promises but often fail to follow through on them. Their actions do not align with their words. They may make extravagant promises to please and divert your attention, but they struggle to fulfill even minor obligations. They might overlook essential milestones in your life or vanish when faced with difficulties. Authentic partners stick to their commitments, demonstrate care for you, and show respect, whereas serial cheaters focus primarily on meeting their needs. They might assure you that they will never breach your trust, but in the end, they betray you.

10. They often engage in flirting

Serial cheaters have difficulty controlling their tendency to flirt even in your presence. They openly flirt with other people, including your friends. You may have observed them joking around with the opposite sex at parties or events. If you see them flirting, they either brush it off or come up with excuses.

11. Mostly, they’re busy

Balancing relationships with multiple individuals can be challenging and demands effective time management and organization. Those who chronically cheat on their partners typically allocate more time to someone they see as a potential better match. If your partner regularly cancels plans and ignores your attempts at communication, it could be a warning sign of infidelity. While they may have legitimate reasons for being busy, consistent behavior like this warrants further examination.

12. They speak negatively about all their past partners

Your significant other might have experienced a complicated relationship in the past. It is usual for some pent-up anger to exist in such situations. However, it is not healthy to consistently hold an ex accountable for the failure of a relationship. People who cheat repeatedly are skilled at shifting the blame onto others. A mentally stable individual will take responsibility for their mistakes in a failed relationship. It is unlikely to be accurate if your partner claims that all their previous partners were insecure, volatile, abusive, or possessive. While it is understandable for your partner to harbor negative emotions towards their exes, if they constantly blame all of them, your partner is probably at fault.

13. They blame you for being unfaithful

Those who consistently cheat on their partners lack trust in others due to their unfaithful actions, leading them to believe that no one is reliable. Seeking validation from others is a way for them to inflate their ego, often stemming from underlying feelings of insecurity. They might falsely accuse their partner of infidelity as a means of deflecting attention away from their unfaithful behavior. This projection of suspicion and jealousy is a common trait among serial cheaters. Accusing their partner of being unfaithful also serves as a way for them to hide their extramarital affairs, displaying a hypocritical mindset of “I can cheat, but you cannot.” When confronted about their cheating ways, they typically respond defensively and attempt to shift the blame back onto their partner, indicating a red flag in their behavior.

14. Their behavior keeps changing

At one point, they ignore your calls and messages, cancel plans, and then suddenly become the ideal partner, giving you gifts and full attention. This constant back-and-forth leaves you feeling frustrated. They neglect you when busy with others but suddenly show interest when they want something from you.

15. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions

Serial cheaters, when caught, often refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they may shift blame onto external factors like other individuals, alcohol, past experiences, or various reasons to elicit sympathy. They may even point fingers at you, attributing their behavior to your actions. You may be criticized for not spending enough time with them, not showing appreciation, lacking understanding, mistreating them, or being controlling. Acknowledging mistakes is crucial for personal growth. If someone cannot admit their wrongdoings and always believes they are correct, it is a significant red flag indicating that you are involved with a serial cheater.

16. They believe that cheating is not morally unacceptable

Individuals who cheat once and feel remorseful acknowledge that their actions were unethical. On the other hand, habitual cheaters do not view cheating as a serious matter. Their lack of empathy leads them to justify their behavior and view it as standard practice. Serial cheaters anticipate forgiveness and expect others to overlook their transgressions swiftly. They may even try to rationalize their actions by suggesting that monogamy goes against human nature.

Michelle Brown, a blogger and linguistic expert, shares her story of falling victim to a chronic liar. She disclosed that the person I was romantically involved with had a history of dishonesty. At the time, I was unmarried and in the process of healing from my divorce. I only learned about his multiple affairs as we grew closer. He eventually admitted to his infidelity, almost justifying it by making it seem like a common practice.

17. They have a strong desire for adrenaline

Engaging in cheating poses a significant chance of being caught. People who continuously cheat do so because they find pleasure in taking risks and living on the edge. They become easily bored with a romantic partner after a short period. These individuals are thrill-seekers who enjoy extreme activities like gambling, risky financial choices, and driving recklessly. Not all thrill-seekers are cheaters, but it is advisable to be cautious if you are in a relationship with someone who constantly seeks excitement.

18. They Make an Effort to Appear Presentable

Serial cheaters always try to appear their best, whether on a big occasion or just a quick trip to the store. They meticulously groom themselves before going out in public. You will see them admiring themselves in the mirror, trying to make a good impression on their potential new partner. They believe their attractive appearance will help them attract and receive admiration from the opposite sex. While it is normal for everyone to want to look good, an excessive focus on appearance by your partner could be a red flag when combined with other warning signs.

19. They are perpetually dissatisfied

People who cheat compulsively are always discontent and never feel satisfied with their lives. They are constantly looking for something new or better. Even if they have all the material possessions and success, they still crave more – whether it’s a fancier car, more money, a bigger house, more admiration, more significant achievements, or fame. Despite receiving love and attention, they always want more. Serial cheaters often look for validation to boost their egos. Even if their partner consistently makes them happy, they will still seek validation from other sources because they feel it is insufficient. They are frequently dissatisfied and unhappy with their possessions or what they lack.

20. They Dislike Being Solitary

Serial cheaters thrive in social settings and seek validation and loyalty to boost their self-esteem. They fear being alone, so they constantly seek new relationships to distract themselves from their insecurities and the consequences of their actions. If your partner continuously bounces from one relationship to another to avoid solitude, it should raise serious concerns.

21. They have previously engaged in dishonest behavior

You are likely familiar with the saying, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Studies indicate that individuals who have cheated previously are three times more inclined to cheat again. If your significant other has a history of infidelity, they may do it again. Despite their assurances of fidelity, it is important to observe whether their actions align with their words. Are they remorseful for their behavior? Do they acknowledge their wrongdoing? Have they shown any signs of changing their ways? If the response to these queries is negative, they will probably repeat the same behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What type of personality does a serial adulterer possess?
Serial cheaters do not have a distinct personality style. However, it is believed that individuals with certain personality types, like narcissists and sociopaths, are more inclined to engage in serial cheating behavior.
2. Is it possible for a habitual cheater to transform their ways?
A serial cheater consistently deceives others and often does not feel guilty about their actions. They have little inclination to improve themselves or acknowledge their shortcomings. Therefore, the likelihood of a serial cheater reforming is minimal.
3. What is the primary reason for individuals engaging in dishonest behavior?
People cheat for a variety of reasons. One possible reason is feeling disconnected from their partner, having trouble with commitment, or not having their sexual needs met. Others may cheat because of low self-esteem or a desire for revenge. Therefore, the motivation for cheating differs from person to person and usually depends on the situation.
4. What should you do if you are in a relationship with someone who repeatedly cheats on you?
If you find out that your partner has been cheating frequently, it can be excruciating and unacceptable. First and foremost, do not blame yourself for their actions, as this is not your fault. Take some time to process your emotions and determine what you truly desire. If you feel comfortable, converse openly and honestly with your partner. Express your emotions and make an effort to comprehend their perspective. If the infidelity persists and negatively impacts you, it may be appropriate to think about ending the relationship. You have the right to be in a partnership where you are valued. Turn to loved ones for help, and don’t be afraid to seek help from a therapist. Always put your health and happiness first.

Serial cheaters are often skilled at manipulating and charming people and adept at concealing their true nature with pleasing behavior. They tend to be greedy and always want more than what they have. Cheaters rarely take responsibility for their actions and always have an excuse to avoid commitment. They are not transparent about their personal belongings, such as their phones, and habitually lie about various things. To cover up their infidelity, they might falsely accuse their partner of being unfaithful. They are expected to engage in flirtatious behavior with others, and they rarely apologize for causing pain. It is advisable to be cautious and watch out for these characteristics before getting involved with such individuals to protect yourself from the heartache and turmoil of broken trust and unhealthy relationships.

Key Pointers of ‘Telltale Signs Of A Serial Cheater’

  • Those who habitually cheat in relationships often resort to dishonesty and become defensive when questioned about the nature of their relationships.
  • Trust and transparency may not be present in relationships involving serial cheaters because they often hide things from their partners.
  • Serial cheaters are often very protective of their cell phones and can be seen constantly chatting on them.
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